I Watch More Movies Than You
We review 3 movies every episode and we release weekly! New episode every Tuesday at 8am EST! One movie is a new theatrical release, one film is always a HORROR movie, and then the third is a classic movie deep dive! Oscar movies covered during Oscar season! Welcome to I WATCH MORE MOVIES THAN YOU , and please take that as a challenge. What else on earth can you spend 10 bucks and then leave the planet for 2 hours !? Only movies. Come join us as we experience, explore, and journey through the greatest art form in history.I run a movie theater, a film exhibitor if you will! And my cohost sells insurance (and a published author), but what separates us? WE WATCH MORE MOVIES THAN YOU! More than one a day, think you got us beat!? Doubtful. But we would love to have you come along as we journey throughout the greatest artform in history, cinema!We are going through the process of watching movies, discussing their ins, outs, themes, cinematography, directors, actors, how the film made us FEEL. And we are reading books on movie critique and review, while just laughing our way through the podcast and having a blast. So come and let's talk cinema together, and even grow and learn in our movie critique, discussion, and review repertoire. I truly believe deep diving into movies and reviewing films only creates a deeper fascination with this beautiful artform. This is a movie review podcast for the person searching for people that do not take themselves serious, enjoy laughing, comedy, self(cohost)-deprecating humor, and deep and fantastical movie discussions.Movies are magic, and they make up the very fabric of my DNA, so I would love the chance for you to come and nerd out with us as we watch as many as humanly possible and then talk about them- what's better than that!? That is how I'd like to spend my time on this rock.
I Watch More Movies Than You
Top 10 Christmas Movies of All Time!
Ken Palmer
Episode 32
Merry Christmas movie lovers! Coming to you all with the top 10 BEST CHRISTMAS MOVIES EVER! Some all-timers are covered here, and hopefully some you won't see coming! From Home Alone 2, to Kubrick's farewell Eyes Wide Shut, a ton of awesome Christmas cheer is covered in this episode in under 20 minutes! Also, some awesome holiday horror shout outs!
Christmas lovers, movie lovers.. REJOICE! And please comment with that 5-star review YOUR top 10 Christmas movies of all time, or your favorite must-watch Christmas film! I can't wait to hear from you all!
Merry Christmas cinephiles!
Also meant to mention The Holiday, I love it! But the list is tippy top of the best Christmas movies ever! Christmas Bloody Christmas on the alt list though!