I Watch More Movies Than You

Physical Media in 2025: Why It's Important and Where to Start for Movie Lovers

Ken Palmer Episode 50

Cinephiles, rebuke a life of zeroes and ones. What a time to be alive! From boutique blu-rays, to all of the publishers putting together collectable editions of your favorite films in VHS, DVDs, Blurays, and our beloved 4k UHD- we are eating! 

Nostalgia isn't just a river in Egypt, JT and I believe there is more at play here than merely missing the 90s with all of it's glamor and Blockbusters. We explore the importance of physical media in the age of streaming, talk about examples of movies that only exist in physical form, plus we list all of the advantages physical media has over it's digital counterparts- and it's just not quality! 

We also discuss what does it mean to truly own a movie, and how important tangibility is, plus the actual act of displaying a piece of yourself on the shelves to enjoy, for others to enjoy, and how special and communal the process is of physically selecting a film journey to embark on, not just scrolling the algo. 

We also list our TOP 10 Blurays, DVDs, VHS, and 4k UHD films, don't miss it! 

Also, if you are interested in starting to collect physical media, we discuss some of our favorite places to shop! From Vinegar Syndrome to Criterion Channel, Shout Factory to Kino Lorber, and ending at our beloved Goodwill Store. Plus, tips and tricks to build your physical movie collection on the cheap! And I drool over my Second Sight Films 'Session 9' collectors edition! 

You may never spend another Friday night in a Hollywood Video sifting through the beautiful cover art in the horror section, snagging a soda on your way out to go have the night of your life. BUT, you can sift through your own collection with your significant other and still create a night you won't forget, letting a movie from your self convince you to take the journey through its incredible art work on the front, and intriguing copy on the back.

The state of movie collecting has never been better, let us convince you to nerd out and start collecting physical media too! Now go watch some movies, because we can promise you... we watch, AND collect, more movies than you! 

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